

Packed Tower Internals

TPT PACIFIC designs and supplies all kind of high performance Packed Tower Internals – various type of Liquid distributor, Packing support,
Bed limiter & Hold down grid, Collector tray & Chimney tray, Feed inlet device and more.

Hold Down Grid & Bed Limiter

Hold down grid and bed limiter recommended for random packing or structured packing to prevent the upward movement of the
random or structured packing where the upset condition is concerned.

Hold Down Grid (HDG)

– For all column diameter with structured packing
– To prevent expansion of the bed at high flow-rates, as well as to maintain the bed top surface elevation.

Bed Limiter (BLM)

– For all column diameter with random packing
– Designed with mesh backing small enough and fit closely to the column wall to prevent
the passage of individual pieces of packing.

Packing Support

The primary function of a packing support is to retain a bed of packing without excessive restriction to gas and liquid flow, and without
sacrificing the distribution of both streams. Design of packing support significantly affects column pressure drop and stable operating range.

Grid Type Packing Support (PSG)

The grids designed to offer sufficient structural strength to support the weight of the packing and
liquid hold-up over the length of the span, has a very high open area (approximately 95-97% free area)
for gas and liquid passage and do not add any significant pressure drop.

Gas Injection Type Packing Support (PSGI)

A multi-beam support design configuration providing excellent gas and liquid handling capacity.
Designed to incorporate gas injection where the vapor passes through the slots in the arches while
liquid passes through the holes in the base of the plate, providing minimum pressure drop by
keeping the vapor passage free of liquid.
